Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Progress of the Soul

Hello all,

        So glad to be back after such a long absence. I have been working full time and all of my spare time has been consumed by artwork. I would like to just give you all a quick glimpse into something -- or should I say someone -- that has just recently inspired me. While trying to "Illustrate the Invisible" as RISD instructs to do, my dear friend and sister, Aubrey, introduced me to this fellow.

Alex Grey: Illustrator, Writer, Performer and more

         Whilst browsing through his work I stumbled upon a few that really spoke to me, which I will share. The rest of his paintings can be found at the link at the end of this post.

All the above are from his collection "Progress of the Soul," showing the life cycle of a human (with anatomical details!)
        Oh, the things that help me get though my artistic struggles. Any suggested artists? Shoot me a comment.

Sending my love,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Inner Artist is Showing...

My greatest apologies are extended to those who may or may not have been checking in on a regular basis. Life has expanded and clouded my vision.

So, here is an update:

Current Location: Columbus, MS
States visited in the last week: California, Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee
Money received from graduation: $1,600 and 50 Euros
Sitting Next To: My little sister and older brother, watching a "Downtown Columbus" commercial
Current Time: 10:18m pm

Today I visited a few of my aunts "artist friends" -- Ms. Margaret Smith (a wonderful teacher, painter and doll house constructor) and Mrs. Elane Goodman (incredible folk artist and RN surgical nurse).

While looking through Elane's studio, I fell in love with one particular piece. She calls these beauties her "books," which are essentially cloth pieces with beautiful hand-stitching. This one was done in flower form (each set of petals folds up individually, as shown on the right).

New Additions to the On-Going To Do list:
  • Learn to sew anything without a pattern (inspired by my Aunt Wilma)
  • Learn how to frame my own artwork
  • Become a wonderful cook/baker (gotta work on that...)
  • Write thank you cards (a general rule)
  • Try my hand at watercolor embroidery
  • more to come...
 Again, I promise not to stay away to long next time. Vacation is over on Sunday, and I will get back into my routine.

Ta Ta for now,


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