Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pointalist Portraits

Hello all my fellow internet users,

Man, has my life been a mess the last few weeks.

Quick recap of what has gone on:
  • My boyfriend and I broke up
  • Started dating a new guy... that didn't work out
  • Got a pay raise at work (in line for management maybe?)
  • My boss wants to take me to lunch
  • Got offered a job
  • Started art school with the amazing Shelton Borenstein (Link:
  • Decided not to go to Europe
  • Changed my mind about not going to Europe
  • Still studying violin... German on hold for a bit
  • etc.
What I really wanted to get in to today though is this incredible artist I ran across during a luck-of-the-click frenzy. Aaron Baggio is a true master of pen and ink. I am mesmorized by his portfolio, filled with everything from portraits to landscapes.

Just wanted to share. I thought you people might appreciate his genious.
Ciao for now,

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Exciting News

Greetings world,

I have a touch of good news. I have two dates planned in 2013 so far.

1. January 15-16th: Flight from LAX to LHR (approx. 11 hours, one way, no stops)

2. February 15th: Appointment at Needles Side Tattoo in Thonon les Bains, France.

        Something I have neglected to mention is that I will be getting my second tattoo on my trip to Europe! That's what I wanted to share with all you wonderful people today. While playing around on the computer, I stumbled across Loïc (aka Xoïl), a brilliant "Photoshop" tattooer who uses the help of photoshop to make his designs come to life.

        Xoïl designs his tattoos off a basic idea that his client provides for him. What I provided was: seahorse, cactus flower, the color green, "this too shall pass", "see one, do one, teach one", and mandala. I'll keep you all posted on what he comes up with.


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Travel Ideas?

Alright, well the Europe travel plans are coming along nicely. Here is what I've come across so far...

Reference Sites:
  • Thorn Tree Forem
  • Travel on a Shoestring
Lodging Options:
  • Couch Surfing (
  • Help Exchange (
  • Anywork Anywhere (
  • WWOOF (different websites for each country)
  • Au Pair/Babysitter (
  • Workaway (
  • Other things I'm forgetting...
  • Rideshare (looks promising...)
  • Bike (short distance)
  • Train (long distance)
  • Air (possible... but not so sure)
Country/City Wishlist:
  • London, England
  • Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Glasgow, Scotland
  • Torino, Italy
  • Venice, Italy
  • Florence, Italy
  • Rome, Italy
  • Milan, Italy
  • Paris, France
  • Thonon les Bains, France (I'll explain later...)
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Madrid, Spain
  • Andalucia, Spain
  • Brussels, Belgium
  • Lisbon, Portugal
  • Berlin, Germany
  • Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  • Stockholm,Sweden
  • Prague, Czech Republic
So, that's my current progress. Sorta. I'm exhausted from all my excitement and must rest. No work tomorrow -- yay.


Sunday, August 5, 2012

I'm Terribly Excited

Guten Tag!

As you all can see, my German studies are coming along... sort of. Also, I have improved on violin... sort of. However, what I really wanted to share in this post is a magnificent discovery I have just made! It seems that the Brown/RISD Dual Degree Program is not the only art/liberal arts education program in existence (go figure...).

Tufts University and the School of Museum of Fine Arts (SMFA) have a program very similar to the Brown/RISD which I learned about when I received SMFA's additional information package in the mail.

When describing the program, the pamphlet says:
"The Dual Degree program is specifically designed for students intending to pursue their art and academic interests to the fullest possible extent. Upon completion, you will graduate with two degrees from Tufts: a Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Bachelor of Arts [or Science] in a major of your choice."
The program, like Brown/RISD, is a five year study program centered in Boston (I believe) -- so either way I'm heading to the east coast. Looking into this more and will post additional findings.

Other Schools I'm interested in:
  • Boston University
  • Middlebury College
  • University of Massachusetts
  • Swarthmore College
  • University of Michigan
  • Wesleyan University
  • University of Virginia
  • School of Visual Arts


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Living in an Ice Cube

        One place I really didn't plan on visiting on my 6 month vagabonding trip to Europe is Sweden, but after stumbling across this article, I may have changed my mind.

The World's Strangest Hotels

1. UFO Capsule Hotel -- Tokyo, Japan
2. ICEHOTEL -- Sweden
3. Hotel Fox -- Denmark
4. StayOrange Hotel -- Malaysia
5. Propeller Island City Lodge -- Berlin, Germany


Ice Room
        I wanted to focus on what I personally thought was the coolest hotel ever, The ICEHOTEL in Sweden. It is, literally, the first and largest hotel built entirely of ice, but it is much more than that. ICEHOTEL is a piece of art that artists from around the globe build once a year -- a constantly changing inspiration factory!

The Rooms:
        As well as warm lodging, the ICEHOTEL has its unique "cold accommodations" in the form of three different types of rooms -- the Art Suite, the Ice Room, and the Snow Room.

Snow Room
Art Suite

What do they offer?
        ICEHOTEL offers all sorts of activities for guests, both summer and winter activities, but for now I will only mention winter activities. All information can be found at the link to their website on the bottom of the page.

        Winter Activities (include but not limited to):
  • Snowmobile Tours
  • Dog Sledding
  • Skiing and Snow Shoe-ing
  • Arctic Trail Safari
  • Ice Sculpting
  • Northern Lights Tour
        What I have decided on is that at some point, I must visit this magnificent hotel, but I'm not sure if this visit will be the time to do it. Check out the other hotels on the Strangest Hotel list and if you have any strange hotels of your own, let me know!


Wishing you all the best until I see you again,

Friday, July 20, 2012

European Adventure

        I have neglected to mention that I am planning a very lengthy trip to Europe starting around January or February of 2013 and stretching to right before school (probably somewhere around August). Now that my man is alright with the plan, I would like to share with the rest of the world my travel plans.

        Firstly, I expect to bunk with my older sister in London, England for a little while before going off on my own adventures. There I will have friends, family, food and safety -- but what about everywhere else I go? I can't expect a life of luxury in hotels with room service, so I looked into a couple of volunteer programs.

Check out my sister/her husband's home improvement blog at:

1. WWOOF -- You may or may not have heard of the WWOOF program, which stands for Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms. It is a fantastic program that allows people to travel and work on organic farms all around to world in exchange for housing and food. The Plan: I am hoping to WWOOF somewhere on the west coast before I move overseas so that I can get a feel for the program. As you all know, I'm learning German and thought it would be appropriate for me to travel and WWOOF in Germany. I already have my eye on a few farms and will post about them in the near future.
2. WorkAway -- This is another program to "work abroad, integrate in local cultures, learn a language, acquire new skills, make new friends" and more. Could this fill in the gap between London and Germany? This isn't just farming, you can work in fields such as animal care, cooking, and house sitting, tourism, art and more. (Need to do more research)
3. Aupair -- Aupair is exactly what it sounds like it is -- a database that connects au pairs and nannys with families in need of one. Again, its a worldwide program that I have experience in and can give references for. Another possibility, the only problem is that I wouldn't be long term. (Need to do more research)


Current Country Wishlist:
  • England
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Croatia?
  • Iceland
  • Morocco
  • Ireland
  • Switzerland
  • Scotland

Any suggestions? Send me a message or comment. Have any hole-in-the-wall places you suggest? Let me know and I'll add it in!

Ah, and so life begins.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Fist Day of Violin Lessons

Hello all,

I figure an update on life is needed right about now, so I shall share what I have been up to the last few days and what the plan is for the next few days...

Monday: Disneyland/California Adventures (with my side-kick marine)
Tuesday (today): Work, violin lesson, work again, german practice, and more work
Wednesday: Family is off to Croatia (jealous?) and work
Thursday: Violin, German and work
Friday: Pick up boyfriend Taylor from airport
Saturday: Work, then skydiving in Santa Barbara
Sunday: Work, then BBQ?

A Blast From My Past
       What have you missed? I have finnished my first summer art project. One down, too many to go.

       Also, I got my first fan "letter" -- how exciting! I recieved a facebook message a few days ago by a friend who chooses to be known as Jeh. As my first acknowledged fan, I will be doing a Guest Post on his views. Guest posts will hopefully be more frequent -- soon to come.
 "I'm maturing as an artist and a spiritual seeker as well and I'd be more than happy to talk to someone else about these two incredibly important aspects of our lives." -Jeh

 "I don't know how many others are reading, but I certainly am, and I certainly sympathise with what you are experiencing in that blog, though the details are quite different." -Jeh
       In addition, I started learning violin (as mentioned earlier) and had my first lesson today! It was very exciting and I will go into more detail later. My violin teacher, Emily, is the coolest violinist who ever existed -- just thought I would point that out. I was instructed to hold the violin in place with my chin and shoulder for 5 minutes each day. That will be fun.

Now, I must be off too work. I will post again soon (skydiving and Taylor to come).


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Progress of the Soul

Hello all,

        So glad to be back after such a long absence. I have been working full time and all of my spare time has been consumed by artwork. I would like to just give you all a quick glimpse into something -- or should I say someone -- that has just recently inspired me. While trying to "Illustrate the Invisible" as RISD instructs to do, my dear friend and sister, Aubrey, introduced me to this fellow.

Alex Grey: Illustrator, Writer, Performer and more

         Whilst browsing through his work I stumbled upon a few that really spoke to me, which I will share. The rest of his paintings can be found at the link at the end of this post.

All the above are from his collection "Progress of the Soul," showing the life cycle of a human (with anatomical details!)
        Oh, the things that help me get though my artistic struggles. Any suggested artists? Shoot me a comment.

Sending my love,

Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Inner Artist is Showing...

My greatest apologies are extended to those who may or may not have been checking in on a regular basis. Life has expanded and clouded my vision.

So, here is an update:

Current Location: Columbus, MS
States visited in the last week: California, Texas, Mississippi, Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee
Money received from graduation: $1,600 and 50 Euros
Sitting Next To: My little sister and older brother, watching a "Downtown Columbus" commercial
Current Time: 10:18m pm

Today I visited a few of my aunts "artist friends" -- Ms. Margaret Smith (a wonderful teacher, painter and doll house constructor) and Mrs. Elane Goodman (incredible folk artist and RN surgical nurse).

While looking through Elane's studio, I fell in love with one particular piece. She calls these beauties her "books," which are essentially cloth pieces with beautiful hand-stitching. This one was done in flower form (each set of petals folds up individually, as shown on the right).

New Additions to the On-Going To Do list:
  • Learn to sew anything without a pattern (inspired by my Aunt Wilma)
  • Learn how to frame my own artwork
  • Become a wonderful cook/baker (gotta work on that...)
  • Write thank you cards (a general rule)
  • Try my hand at watercolor embroidery
  • more to come...
 Again, I promise not to stay away to long next time. Vacation is over on Sunday, and I will get back into my routine.

Ta Ta for now,

Monday, May 28, 2012

Art, Philosophy and Intestines

        So, I know I have been absent for a while, but working three jobs, going to school full time, and attempting to get accepted into art school has been consuming most of my time.

Please forgive me.
        So, I will be applying to RISD in the near future, and I would like to make a shout out to the admissions office: Please accept me! I am worth the investment I promise. I want more than anything to be in an environment where I am infatuated with my school, peers, and studies, and I feel very strongly that RISD and the Duel Degree Program can fulfill this. If accepted, I will provide just as much a benefit to the school as the school does to me. Cross your fingers for me.

        Also, I won first place in my schools art competition! I beat out all the AP Studio Art students.

My new Art Tote! In love....

        Additionally, I have picked up a few new books:
  • The Book of Secrets - Deepak Chopra
  • The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment - Thaddeus Golas
  • Many Lives, Many Masters - Brian L. Weiss
        Okay, I know this is a little strange, but as I was reading I came across this passage and just have to share it with you all.
  • "Ten years ago it would have seemed absurd to speak of intestines being intelligent. The lining of the digestive tract was known to posses thousands of nerve endings, but these were just remote outputs of the nervous system -- a way for it to keep in touch with the lowly business of extracting nutrition from food. Now it turns out that the intestines are not so lowly after all. Their scattered nerve cells form a finely tuned system for reacting to outside events -- an upsetting remark at work, the threat of danger, a death in the family. The stomach's reactions are just as reliable as the brain's thoughts, and just as intricate. Your colon, your liver, and your stomach cells also think, only not in the brain's verbal language. What people had been calling a "gut reaction" turned out to be a mere hint of the complex intelligence at work in a hundred thousand billion cells."
Additional Tid Bits:
  • Going to San Fran this weekend
  • Graduating next Thursday
  • Still need a new car...
  • Mississippi in a few weeks! Time to get some artwork done!
  • Learning German... Well not yet
        A special shout out to Bob, a customer I helped at Sweet XO. He has offered to give me a significant amount of publicity (hopefully jump starting my art career!). Also, another shout out to my twin Leah G. and her incredible family.

Your good thoughts are appreciated, Ta Ta for now.


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fun Facts

Nothing like relaxing after a long day at work with some random, silly facts...

1. Sea Otters hold hands in their sleep so they don't drift away from each other.
2. Only 55% of Americans know that the sun is a star.
3. Silly Putty was discovered as the residue left behind after the first latex condoms were produced. It's not widely publicized for obvious reasons.
4. A study finds that people aren't meant to have more than 150 friends.
5. Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants is an octopus, not a squid.
6. Spanking can lower IQ. Children who were spanked for punishment grow up to have lower IQ.
7. People who complain of boredom are 2.5 times more likely to die from a heart attack or stroke than those who don't.
8. Rats can't throw up, that's why rat poison works.
9. A woman jumped off the Eiffel Tower and landed on a car. She later married the car's owner.
10. A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.

Now, to sleep. Goodnight world. Project Learn German starts tomorrow!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rhode Island School of Design

Alright, I am going to let my excitement leak all over the page now...

RISD (Rhode Island School of Design) is my new motivator. I have decided today that I will be applying to art school next year, and among those I will be applying to RISD! I am officially obsessed with the school and want so badly to attend their "Dual Degree Program."

RISD's Dual Degree Program is a program they have where a student is allowed to double major -- one Fine Arts degree at RISD (in my case Illustration), and one other degree at Brown University (in my case Environmental Science). As you all probably do not know, I applied for Brown University (my absolute, hands-down dream school) this past year and was deferred and then rejected... but could this be my chance to not only attend Brown, but the #2 ranked art school in the country?!

My heart has literally leaped out of my chest, packed a suitcase, and moved to Providence, Rhode Island.

I could not be more elated that a program as magnificent as this exists and is available to me (well sort of... I have to get in first.). The only catch is that I:
  1. Have to be accepted to RISD. A very difficult and competitive art institution. And...
  2. Also have to be accepted to Brown. A very elite, unique Ivy League University.

I will be starting a portfolio this summer and as soon as admissions open up in September, I will begin working on my application (they have criteria that must be met in an applicants art portfolio).

Please let the odds be in my favor this time. I am worthwhile I promise. To all you followers out there (if any), here are the links to RISD's and Brown University's websites.

Let's leave it to fate... I will post my artwork when I get it photographed in the next few weeks.


Monday, May 14, 2012


I would just like to start off with the quote of the day, courtesy of my genius boyfriend, Taylor:

Quote of the Day: (sound of phone hitting something) "Ouch... My face."

Secondly, I would like to dedicate this post to the soul reason of sorting out my thoughts.

Dilemma #1: How to spend summer
Here are my plans, both optional and not optional.
    • Work -- Sweet XO, candy cashier
    • Work -- Beanscene Espresso, barista
    • Learn German
    • Read 6 books (at least)
    • Learn to speed read
    • Learn violin
    • Take Saturday workshop at Art Institute
    • Practice drawing skills every day -- develop likeness (portraiture)
Dilemma #2: What do I study?
Here is everything I want to do... too much?
    • Major: Environmental Science
    • Second Major/Minor: Fine Arts
    • Minor: Spanish (I want to study abroad in Barcelona)
    • Plus: pre-med requirements
Dilemma #3: Where do I go?
    • Plan A: Willamette University
    • Plan B: Stay in SoCal, work, etc.
    • Plan C: Santa Barbara City College
    • Plan D: San Francisco
    • Plan E: Art School?
Working on it... Keep you all posted. Nighty Night for now!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pineapple Planting

Did you know you can plant and grow a pineapple? I DIDN'T.


How to plant a pineapple:

  1. Cut off the top of the pineapple
  2. Place top in a dish of water and move (what I call) pineapple hair into sunlight. Leave for three days.
  3. Plant the top in a pot with well fertilized soil and wait. Wait for 24-36 months.
  4. You're done! Enjoy your delicious, mouthwatering home-grown pineapple!
Like this....
Then this...
And you get this!

What's Amanda Watching?

        Crew Training videos for Beanscene Espresso... I now know how to make every kind of coffee drink known to mankind.

        Alright world, I did owe you a cool post, and if growing a pineapple isn't cool enough for you... well, I don't know what I will do.


Friday, May 11, 2012

Personal Note


So over the past week this is what has happened:
-I worked
-I studied for my English AP Exam
-I caught a cold and started having alergy attacks
-I took my English AP Exam (with a cold and alergies to keep me company)
-I worked some more

Tonight was my fifth night of work, and only the beginning of a very rough next few months -- but who knows, maybe i'll actually make enough money to go to college next year!

Exhausted. Sleep. Goodnight.

Monday, May 7, 2012



It's Monday... Yet again.

Difficult few days, but I did successfully fast for a day and a half! Longer than I have gone in the past. I have decided that perhaps its a better idea if I ease into it.

Meanwhile, studying for APs is horrific. High school can't be over soon enough.

Literature Wishlist:
-The Collector by John Fouls

Friday, May 4, 2012

Fasting Day One

Update on liquid fast:

What I've consumed today:
  • Water
  • A few sips of coffee
  • Half of a protein drink
  • More water
  • 2 cans of Amy's Organic Split Pea soup :]
Thoughts: I am hungry... mentally hungry, not physically hungry. Gotta get over that and reset my eating habits.

Fun Stuff: Top 10 Superfoods
  • Edamame: 17 g of protein per cup
  • Kiwifruit: 84 mg of vitamin C -- increases fat burning potential
  • Sweet Potatoes: Increases fat burning; reduces hunger
  • Yogurt: Contains 20% more of daily calcium needs
  • Eggs: Blocks fat absorbtion
  • Olive Oil: Contains healthy fats, protein, and complex carbs
  • Lentils: Shrinks fat cells and fat burning
  • Quinoa: Protein rich and full of essential amino acids needed to build metabolism-revving muscle
  • Apples: 4-5 g of fiber; filling and delicious!
  • Wild Salmon: Omega-3 fatty acids; reduce body fat
Source: Self Magazine

Note to self: Eat Healthier. Snack Less.

Much Love,

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Magic Mirror

        Today I am going to share one of the miracles I have found in Bragg Healthy Lifestyle by Paul C. and Patricia Bragg. This weekend (starting Friday and ending Sunday morning) I plan to go on a liquid fast consisting of lots of juices and water, guided by Bragg himself.

The Magic Mirror: (chapeter 9)
        The tongue, believe it or not, is actually a great indicator of your health; a white-coated tongue tells us that you are full of toxic crap.. literally. The coating is evidence of "Mother Nature" attempting to force out all the deep toxic waste of the body.

        So... what if you find that your tongue is white? Or what if you are feeling heavy, tired, or sickly?

The Fast:
        The goal here is to get to the point where I fast regularly, allowing my body to push out all the bad and make room for the good! Bragg reccomends a once-weekly 24 hour fast and an occasional 3-day fast. If done regularly, fasting helps maintain a healthy, comfortable weight and leaves a fresh, cleansed feeling!

The Gameplan:     
        Prep Phase, Day 1: Friday -- green drinks (juiced kale, alphalfa, wheatgrass, etc.); fresh, live fruit drinks
        Day 2: Juice Fast; new combinations -- TRY: Beet, Alphalfa, Garlic, Radish, Watercrest,Goji Berries
        Day 3: Water fasting, day 1. Continue for 1-3 days.

Benefits of Fasting:
  • Quickest way to loose weight
  • Relieves tension and insomnia
  • Eliminates addictions such as drugs, alcohol, and smoking
  • Effectively treats schitzophrenia and other mental conditions
  • Improves dietary habits
  • Educates the body to consume food only when needed
  • Fasting is a rite in all religions
Over the next few days, I will document my progress and feelings as the fasting continues. I encourage everyone to pick up a copy of every single Bragg book on the market!

Happy Fasting,

P.S. I have decided to re-adopt vegetarianism. More to come on the benefits of that.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

First Day of Work

On a personal note,

I would like to share with all of you that I am now an official employee of Sweet XO, a candy/treats company in Agoura Hills.

Today was my first official day of work -- I closed and god off at 11:00 pm.

Didn't break anything, didn't kill anyone, rang up a lot of customers...


Here is a picture that I like; I was going to paint it for my acrylic painting "final," but my art teacher is making me paint a portrait to "challenge myself":

The End.

P.S. I promise to post another interesting article tomorrow...

Monday, April 30, 2012

Goals and Such

Fun for you:
   Sneak Peak:
  • Abacinate: to blind by putting a hot copper basin near someone's eye
  • Jentacular: pertaining to breakfast

Fun for me:
   Step one in accomplishing the goal of mastering violin:


Future Goals:
  • Make $10,000 from now until the end of summer (I know it's a stretch)
  • Figure out where I'm going to school (by July)
  • Create a product/business that I can run/make money from while in school (i.e. selling artwork?)
  • Organize my goals and create due dates
  • Remind myself to be grateful everyday
Wish List:
  • The Secret - Rhonda Byrne
  • The Magic - Rhonda Byrne

Saturday, April 28, 2012

18 Rules

Though I would share my latest inspiration...

The Dalai Lama's 18 Rules for Living

1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three Rs:
       Respect for self
       Respect for others
       Responsibility for all your actions
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone every day.
9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

Goal: Relate 5 of these rules to my day, everyday.

Best of luck to you all in doing the same...


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Brief Note

To update you all on  my very eventful life:
  • Today was my senior picnic. It was pouring rain.
  • My sternum is still in pain from the car accident
  • I might work at a wonderful candy shop called Sweet XO in Agoura Hills, California -- the managers really like my spunk.
  • I must read about plot, character, setting and theme tonight, which is why my post will be so short.
  • Sadly, I must go now, but I will leave you all with this:
Nifty pictures (of places I must visit):
Nifty Word:
       Vigesimation (v.): the act of killing every twentieth person

What would cause the need for a waord like vigesmiation?


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Lake In Space?

Hello my darlings,

        I came across something quite interesting today. Recently, scientists have discovered the oldest, largest body of water -- "enough to supply the entire planet's worth of water for every person on earth, 20,000 times over" -- and you will never guess where is it. In space... around a black hole located 12 billion light years away.

        Can I just say... how can I be sitting here reading a book, blogging, doing math homework, etc. while there is a massive body of water floating in space around a black hole that could wipe out our entire existance in a fraction of a second? How is that possible? My mind is utterly blown.

        NASA descibes it as "140 trillion times all the water in the world's oceans," and says that the new "cloud" of water is vast enough to supply 28 galaxies with water. Yes, galaxies. Well, this would be one way to end the water crisis in developing countries...

The Run Down:
        Basically, NASA researchers found a masive floating lake in what used to be thought as an endless, lifeless desert (A.K.A. space). The water has formed into a "cloud" around an "active black hole" called a quasar.  This is potentially a never ending water source, because the "waves of energy the black hole releases make water by literally knocking hydrogen and oxygen atoms together." That would be something worth investrigating...

Fun Fact:
        Interestingly enough, an mind-bogglingly massive as this amount of water may seem, the water vapor is 300 trillion times less dense than the air in a typical earthly room. Translation: you could walk around in this lake and it would feel about as dry as walking around outside in the middle of summer in Arizona.

        Pretty crazy to think that scientists confirmed there is water elsewhere in the universe (other than Earth) a mere 40 years ago, in the late 1960s.

We are nothing in this universe. I can compare to a single water droplet in this incredible universe... that's a scary thought.

And on that note, I will say farewell for now.


Literature: A Short History of Nearly Everything -- Bill Bryson

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Watercolor Magic

Hello all,

Firstly, I would like to apologize for my absence. I believe I owe a bit of an explanation. Here is where I have been the last few days:

Mon. 16 - Fri. 20: 6,000 point Advanced Anatomy Final Exam -- 5 days, 3 hrs/day plus 2 hrs of work
Fri. 20: My boyfriend, Taylor, came in from Arizona (where he is residing) for the weekend
Sun. 22: My boyfriend and I got into a car accident -- T-boned a cab. Not pretty.
Mon. 23 - Tues. 24: Recovering from accident/ drove Taylor to LAX (lame excuse... I know)

       Anyway, let's get back on track here... in the midst of these crazy adventures here in Southern California, I also became slightly obsessed with watercolor (not that I wasn't already). I am currently planning on purchasing a set of Prismacolor Watercolor Pencils (set of 36) and getting started myself -- much thanks to this incredible artist:

        I was completely blown away by her style and expertise. One day I will be as talented as she... right after I master violin and climb Mt. Everest.

Personal Note -- Bucket List:
  • Ride down the Grand Canyon on a donkey
  • Go on a meditation retreat in Indonesia
Thank you for your patience and ever-so-loyal love...

Here is a little piece of artwork I like to call my own:

Medium: Sketch and Wash (painted graphite)
Year: 2011

Ta Ta for Now,

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Sorry, sorry sorry!

I'm slacking again tonight, just wanted to warn you all -- short post!

Word of the Day: borborygmus (bor-bo-ryg-mus) noun: 1. a rumbling or gurgling sound of gas passing through the intestinal tract

How cool is that?

Something to think about:
Top 10 unanswered questions of the last decade:

1. What is the meaning of life?
2. Is there a God?
3. Do blondes have more fun?
4. What is the bast way to loose weight?
5. Is there anybody out there? personal favorite
6. Who is the most famous person in the world?
7. What is love?
8. What is the secret to happiness?
9. Did Tony Soprano die?
10. How long will I live?

Have answers? Please share.

Yours truely,


Monday, April 16, 2012

Something Beautiful

In memory of the British White Star liner Titanic, I shall share with all of you pulchritudinous people a poem I read today in English. Note: pul-chri-tud-in-ous (adj.): physically beautiful; comely

Food for Thought: Why do I always feel it necessary to spill to the world all my feelings of joy when I am having a good day or something exciting happens? Explain that, Universe.
Thought of Food: My mom made brownies tonight... and I just ate 4 oreos (filling first, then cookie -- of course)

On the night of April 14, 1912, the Titanic, the largest ship afloat, collided with an iceberg. 1,500 of the 2,206 passengers lost their lives.

The Convergence of the Twain

In a solitude of the sea
Deep from human vanity,
And the Pride of Life that planned her, stilly couches she.

Steel chambers, late the pyres
Of her salamandrine fires
Cold currents thrid, and turn to rhythmic tidal lyres.

Over the mirrors meant
To glass the opulent
The sea-worm crawls -- grotesque, slimed, dumb, indifferent.

Jewels in joy designed
To ravish the sensuous mind
Lie lightless, all their sparkles bleared and black and blind.

Dim moon-eyed fishes near
Gaze at the gilded gear
And query: "What does this vaingloriousness down here?"...

Well: while fashioning
This creature of cleaving wing,
The Immanent Will the stirs and urges everything

Prepared a sinister mate
For her -- so gaily great --
A Shape of Ice, for the time far and dissociate.

And as the smart ship grew
In stature, grace and hue,
In shadowy silent distance grew the Iceberg too.

Alien they seemed to be:
No mortal eye could see
The intimate welding of their later history,

Or sign that they were bent
By paths coincident
On being anon twin halves of one august event,

Till the Spinner of the Years
Said "Now!" And each one hears,
And consummation comes, and jars two hemispheres.

-- Thomas Hardy

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Personal Note

Happy Sunday lovely humans!

        Just wanted to let everyone know that there is a new addition to my family here in California... A beautiful vintage Stradivarius replica violin.
         Isn't she spectacular? I'm so excited... even though I don't know how to play violin (yet).

         Officially, she is a 4/4 Full Size Violin from the 70s... the best birthday present ever -- props to my mother and her boyfriend. It was purchased from Johnny Vintage on The link to the shop will be posted below.

        I suppose this magnificant instrument should have some goals associated with it right? Here are some off the top of my head:

   - By August 2012, be somewhat competant at playing and be able to handle the instument with poise.

   - Within 5 years, master the art of the violin and/or fiddle (they say you can master anything in 5 years... I will be 23 years old)

   - Be completely dedicated to the violin and practice at least one hour everyday, following the steps to success outlined in Take the Stairs.

        And that's all for now, folks! I appoligize ahead of time if I slack on posting this coming week. The great and horrible Neuro Anatomy Exam is to be completed -- all 6,000 points, 2,400 questions, and 15 hours worth of it. I am so looking forward to it.

Ta Ta,

Friday, April 13, 2012

Label GMOs

Millions Against Monsanto

Do you think that consumers have a right to know what's in the food they eat?

      The protesters out side of Lassen's grocery store think that they do. Yesterday I was approached by a very sweet lady who proceeded to ask me if I would sign her petition to require food companies to label genetically modified products. I, being the environmental nut that I am, agreed to sign her petition (which is actually pretty rare). Before I left, she gave me some "literature" on the subject which I kindly summarized below. (side note: posting this while drinking delicious organic green tea)

What is a GMO?

      A GMO (genetically modified organism) is a product that has artificially altered DNA in order to grow faster and at a cheaper price. It is commonly altered with genes from other plants and animals, and sometimes with bacteria and viruses.

The Facts:
  • "Over 70% of processed food on the grocery store shelves contain GMO's"
  • "50 countries including the European Union, Japan and China already label genetically engineered foods" (p.s. my dog is going absolutely ballistic right now...)
  • The FDA does not require any safety studies on the effects of GMOs, even though their scientists have insisted upon long-term studies.
  • Some GM foods contain insecticide in every single cell!
How does is effect me?
  • "GM foods pose a serious health risk in the areas of toxicology, allergy and immune function, reproductive, metabolic, physiological and genetic health" - The American Academy of Environmental Medicine
  • Private studies have shown that animals fed GM foods responded with allergic reactions, organ disruption, accelerated aging and other problems.
  • Children are more vulnerable and extremely sensitive to the effects of GM foods (food allergies in children have increased 18% in recent years)
What can you do to save yourself and others?
  • Buy USDA Organic foods and support your local farmers market
  • Avoid products made with corn and soy, canola oil, cottonseed oil, Hawaiian papaya, and animals fed GMOs
  • Call or mail public officials and urge them to vote yes for labeling GMOs (simple but effective)
Who uses GMOs?
  • Kellogg's/Kashi, Coca-Cola, Kraft/Nabisco, McDonald's, Frito-Lay, General Mills, Quaker Oats, Safeway, Wal-Mart, Campbell Soup, and more.
Learn More:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Happy Post Project

The Happy Post Project: a social experiment to spread happiness
       Happiness is contagous, and the founders of The Happy Post Project -- Catalina Garcia and Mario Chamorro -- strongly believe that "the power of happiness can change everything -- companies, governments, and especially people." The Happy Post Project encompases an "ever-growing group of people that are dissatisfied with the path that humanity has taken and the consequences it is having on our planet," and now there is one more supporter of this cause.
        So, you may be asking, how does a stupid post-it note change anything? Why should I be a part of it? Well, personally, I am in support of their objectives (and you should to):

  • Create a dynamic social experience
  • Develop a viral online platform
  • Engage traditional media in the conversation
  • Inspire and be inspired
What makes me happy?
  • chocolate
  • making other people happy
  • traveling
  • living and loving
  • adventures and experiments
  • learning and reading
  • more to come later!
Find out more at:

What makes you happy? What inspires you to do more?

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Can Pigeons Poop Soap?

Happy Tuesday,
I came across this article while browsing one of my favorite sites,, and thought I would share...

Pigeon d'Or
Run Down:
     Basically, this designer-turned-scientist, Tuur Van Balen, came up with the idea of altering a pigeon's diet so that the pigeon defecates a soapy substance. Theoretically, a specifically developed bacteria added to the diets of pigeons could do this, turning the pest into a "free flying cleaner." His plan was to "1. make pigeons poop soap" and "2. build specially designed coops to house the pigeons where they can be fed, and direct their feces onto car windshields."

     Amazingly, Balen managed to score a grant to fund his project, yet ethical dilemmas are arising. Will the intention of cleaning up our cities (and windshields!) overpower the animal rights activists? Only time will tell...


Monday, April 9, 2012

Forever's Not So Long


Written & Directed by Shawn Morrison. Produced by Garrett Murray. Starring Garrett Murray and Marielena Logsdon. With Debbie Friedman and Matt Urban as The Anchor. Original music by Robert Andersen.

Grand Jury Prize Winner: 1 Reel Film Festival
Audience Choice Award Winner: DC Shorts Film Festival
Best Short Nominee: Hoboken International Film Festival
Official Selection: Flickerings Film Showcase, Great Oak Film Festival, Tumblr Reblog This Film Festival

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Greetings my fellow cyberspace users,

This is a glorious day for me, signifying the beginning of a transformation -- my personal happiness/sanity project. Isn't is a beautiful day to blog?

I would like to start by saying Happy Easter/Passover! I have been lucky enough to celebrate both this year (Passover for the first time ever... wow, that is one long holiday). Both days celebrate incredible miracles, and combining the two has been such a great experience.

I suppose now would be a good time to mention what in instigated this spontaneous blogging episode. Take the Stairs by Rory Vaden teaches ordinary people how to become extraordinary through his 7 Steps to achieving true success -- sacrifice, commitment, focus, integrity, schedule, faith, and action. The key to all is self-dicipline, something that everyone is capable of, but few exerscise on a regular basis due to the evils of indulgence, procrastination and debt.

He begins with a few statistics:
  1. Most people in the world today have read fewer than 5 books cover to cover in your lifetime.
  2. 95% of all books that are purchased are never completely read.
  3. 70% of all books that are purchased are never opened.
wow... caught my attention...

Anyway, the book goes on in this fashion, bringing in "case studies" and other graphs, statistics, personal stories, etc. So far, I am really enjoying it and feel that I am taking a lot out of it (this blog is proof!).

So there you go, my first post. I appreciate your patience, since I am new at this -- please bear with me. As I continue reading Take the Stairs, I will keep posting updates. Farewell for now my friends.


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