Please forgive me.
So, I will be applying to RISD in the near future, and I would like to make a shout out to the admissions office: Please accept me! I am worth the investment I promise. I want more than anything to be in an environment where I am infatuated with my school, peers, and studies, and I feel very strongly that RISD and the Duel Degree Program can fulfill this. If accepted, I will provide just as much a benefit to the school as the school does to me. Cross your fingers for me.
Also, I won first place in my schools art competition! I beat out all the AP Studio Art students.
My new Art Tote! In love.... |
Additionally, I have picked up a few new books:
- The Book of Secrets - Deepak Chopra
- The Lazy Man's Guide to Enlightenment - Thaddeus Golas
- Many Lives, Many Masters - Brian L. Weiss
Okay, I know this is a little strange, but as I was reading I came across this passage and just have to share it with you all.
- "Ten years ago it would have seemed absurd to speak of intestines being intelligent. The lining of the digestive tract was known to posses thousands of nerve endings, but these were just remote outputs of the nervous system -- a way for it to keep in touch with the lowly business of extracting nutrition from food. Now it turns out that the intestines are not so lowly after all. Their scattered nerve cells form a finely tuned system for reacting to outside events -- an upsetting remark at work, the threat of danger, a death in the family. The stomach's reactions are just as reliable as the brain's thoughts, and just as intricate. Your colon, your liver, and your stomach cells also think, only not in the brain's verbal language. What people had been calling a "gut reaction" turned out to be a mere hint of the complex intelligence at work in a hundred thousand billion cells."
- Going to San Fran this weekend
- Graduating next Thursday
- Still need a new car...
- Mississippi in a few weeks! Time to get some artwork done!
- Learning German... Well not yet
Your good thoughts are appreciated, Ta Ta for now.